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Maison de Martzell has been nominated for a Leibster Award

Yup, yup, yup! My lil’ baby blog has been nomianted for this award, which is given to bloggers by other bloggers. This specific award is intended for bloggers who have less than 200 followers, (I think I just reached 10 followers who actually subscribe to my blog..THANK YOU! ) so I am very humbled that my blog, out of many fantastic new blogs, have been chosen! It is certainly an honor and I’d like to thank Ellen at Family Around The Table (please visit her blog and give her some love here!) for nominating me.

Anyway, I should save my Oscar worthy speech for another blog post and get to answering the questions provided from Family Around The Table so any new readers can see why I’ve gotten into this bloggy fun stuff.


What’s your favorite social media platform and why?

Honestly, I like Instagram the most, but if you saw my profile, you would think I was kidding. I like it due to its simplicity. It’s pictures and all you do is comment or like. I like that there isn’t too much involvement, because I don’t like to constantly plaster myself all over the internet. However, I think pictures can say as much as a 1,000 word essay, so that’s why I find Instagram to be so enjoyable.

What’s your favorite food?

Hm–what don’t I like? (Don’t answer that). I’d have to say sushi. It’s just so delicious and I can seriously gorge myself on it and still go back for seconds. Sometimes I question whether I’ve got four stomachs like cows do.

What is the focus of your blog?

The focus of my blog is fashion and style. I’m very interested in fashion and it comes from a heartfelt desire to talk about it as well as inform others about it. It comes to me naturally, and that is why I enjoy using my blog as a platform to talk about fashion.

Why do you blog?

I blog because I have the post-graduation blues. After college, I was all mixed up in my life and was unsure my intended career path was really what I was interested in doing. Long story short, it wasn’t, and I decided to start a blog because it helps me hone my writing skills and explore my love of fashion.

What time of day do you blog? Morning, afternoon, evening, late night? Why?

Usually the night time. I have two part time jobs that I work with until the evening, and then I come home and fuss over the state of my house before sitting down and thinking about what I want to blog about next. Usually, I get my ideas during the day while I’m working at my jobs, and then I narrate it in my mind so when I get home I have an idea of how I want to compose my post.

Name one thing on your bucket list.

Not really a bucket list, but a goal. Go to Paris Fashion Week!

What is one place you want to visit in the world? Why?

I’d like to visit all of Western Europe. I’m so close, too! I think I have about four to five countries left before I can say I’ve visited all of Western Europe. After that, I’d like to visit either the Far East or Australia and New Zealand. Why do I want to do this? I love to travel. I am constantly seeking out new places to wander about, to see and learn. I think it helps me learn about myself.

If you could invite 3 people to join you for dinner, who would you invite?

Neil DeGrasse Tyson, Anna Wintour, and Kurt Cobain. Why? The universe fascinates me and I want to learn more. I am hungry to learn more about space–where are we going? Who else is out there?  Anna Wintour is a god among gods, enough said. Kurt and I have the same self-loathing and brooding characterists. I’d like to think we’d get together and discuss the “tragedies” we’ve encountered in our lives. It’s hard to explain, but I think he and I would get along very well. We’re both a little too dramatic.

What are your blogging goals for 2016?

I want to blog more, more, more. More Content. More Readers.

What is your favorite part about being a blogger?

I like getting to write about things I am genuinely interested in. I like writing about my passions and intersts. I like getting to write my posts like I would say them out loud.

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